The Friends of Dreamland Receives $498,000 From the National Parks Service’s 2020 African American Civil Rights Grant Program

On Tuesday July 27, 2021, the U.S. Department of Interior, and the National Park Service (NPS) announced $15,035,000.00 to 53 projects in 20 states to help preserve sites and history related to the African American struggle for equality. The Friends of Dreamland (FOD) were one of these 53 recipients!

This is the third award that we have been granted from the African American Civil Rights Grant Program (AACR). The first two grants totaled approximately one million dollars as part of our Dreamland Ballroom Public Access Project. Work on those projects are scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2022.

Where the first two grant awards indirectly contributed to the preservation effort of the Dreamland Ballroom, this most recent financial opportunity allows for a more direct approach in the ballroom’s restoration. Now we can focus on restoring the historic function and many of the character-defining elements of Dreamland. This time, we will rebuild the stage apron that was previously fronted with the signature diamond pattern of the ballroom, the renewal of key plaster features around the proscenium arch and leveling the stage floor. We will also be resituating the sprinkler main that runs in front of the stage which currently obscures the topmost portion of the proscenium arch. The front of house will be rehabilitated to include the historically appropriate light fixtures, restoration and/or replacement of historic hammered-tin ceiling tiles, along with some paint and plaster touch ups around the five balconies.

This next round of work will be executed entirely inside the ballroom as such, our previously stated reopening date of spring 2022 will be pushed back. We have learned a lot over the last few grant cycles and are optimistic that this third phase will be completed smoothly and quickly. And while it’s admittedly a little frustrating that our long-awaited reopening will be postponed again, it’s certainly worth it! These stage and front of house projects are some of the most anticipated items on our Dream List. Things we’ve aspired toward for years, right along with the elevator. We are continually grateful for all the Friends of Dreamland since 2009 who Dreamed big and never gave up, who contributed their time, talent, and treasure, and to the NPS who afforded us this opportunity time and time again. It is the hard work and the commitment that has made these Dreams a reality!

Keep Dreaming, Matthew McCoy

Read the FULL ANNOUCEMENT from the National Parks Service. The AACR grants are part of the Historic Preservation Fund.  
